Loved, Loved Loved it!! This is one of my favorite series and this edition didn't disappoint. The battle between the archangels is heating up and they are taking sides. An angel war seems imminent and Raphael is picking his allies for his battle against the "very creepy" archangel of China and her "re-born" zombies. Raphael and his consort Elena are better than ever dealing with mommy issues, daddy issues and escaping the demands of NYC whenever they can to have steamy angel sex.
Raphael has to be on the top of the list of bookie boyfriends... The world building that Nalini Singh has done with her angel series has to be one of the best in UF. Every edition builds with battles and confrontations larger than the previous and then "bam" and more "woo woo" and you're left with another WTH, waiting for the next book.
The supporting characters are great and I'm voting for Blue Bell, he needs his book!!